Welcome to Our Minecraft Server FAQ!
Here you will find common questions we get asked a lot. If you have any questions, try reading here first and you may get your question answered faster.
What are the rules and how are they enforced?
The rules are listed here. They are enforced based on the enfraction and how many recent punishments you have. Most rules will start with a small punishment and grow the more a rule is broken. Eventually either a ban or mute will be given and an appeal will need to be made if you feel its unfair or been long enough to overrule it.
How long are seasons?
Seasons can range widely based on when updates come out. Most last around 6 months but all depends. Usually these also correlate with the minecraft updates themselves. An announcement will be sent to the discord when seasons are coming to an end.
do i keep ranks after a reset?
Only paid ranks transfer over to the next season. All free ranks will be reset and you will need to unlock them again. Some cosmetics may carry over but not all will.
can i get free paid ranks?
Yes. On the server we currently have Envoys. These happen hourly and drop crates anywhere in the world for players to find. Each one is a different rarity and can give different things. If you find ones with rank names on them, you will get a voucher for 4 weeks of that paid rank if you click on the block. Paid members also get Member Envoys every 2 weeks and these have a higher chance of spawning paid rank envoys.
I bought a discord membership but did not get rank?
Make sure to link your Minecraft account to discord using /link in-game then doing /link <code> in the discord server. This is how the server transfers ranks between the 2 places.Â
If you have any further questions, please reach out on the discord or inside the minecraft server.